Project Info

Smart Rent

UI Design
Front End Development
Back End Development
Tools / Tech

I interned at a property management start-up named Smart Rent as a web designer and developer. I was tasked with redesigning their website from scratch and implementing the new design on both the frontend (Bootstrap) and backend (PHP + MySQL).

Their website serves as an information hub for landlords and tenants interested in using their service, but the key feature of the website is allowing tenants to search Smart Rent’s database for available rooms.

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The first week was spent identifying the requirements for the new website and reorganising the structure of content and pages in a written document.

The old website design

Website goals:

  • A modern look and feel
  • Consistent design across all pages
  • A responsive layout
  • Clearer navigation structure to improve user experience
  • Additional features to make searching for rooms easier, such as filtering by location and price


The aim was to strike a nice balance between professionalism and approachability.

I designed for mobile first as the old website did not use a responsive layout. As mobile makes up the majority of browsing activity on the web these days, it was important to design for smaller screens and then simply scale the design up for larger devices.


Mockups - Design Exploration


I chose a new set of colours that were approved for use on the website only as a complete rebrand was out of the scope for this project. Some of the colours found in the logo/brand were not suitable for text or backgrounds due to lack of contrast, being overly-saturated or lack of visual appeal when used together. I aimed not to deviate too far from the existing colour scheme.

Room Listings

Once the main pages were completed, I moved on to the more complex part of the website where users can search from a list of rooms and view their details.

Old room listings

After analysing the pages and discussing with the team, we found problems with the implementation of this page:

  • The search page loaded all available rooms at once on a single page, leading to slow load times and unnecessary server load
  • Search list entries showed too much information upfront despite having individual pages for each room/property
  • Viewers were often missing key bits of information despite it being displayed because of visual noise or sub-optimal layout

Room Listing Mockups

Several layouts were tested to ensure important information was easy to find.