Project Info

Form Follows Function

Visual Design
UI Design
Tools / Tech

Form Follows Function is a brand created by Brunel Digital Media students for the 2021/22 degree show. Inspired by the Bauhaus movement, it similarly carries a simple but striking design language. The name comes from the fundamental design principle and serves to remind us that design is more than just aesthetics.

I was on both the branding and web teams. My responsibilities were to:

  • Help ideate and create the brand and visual identity
  • Design the website on which student's work would be showcased
  • Create icon graphics for use across print and digital
  • Design social media posts announcing the countdown to the brand reveal event
Try the game here


One of the key brand elements were square vector icons that were split into two categories: representational and abstract. Representational icons symbolise some aspect of design and media, while abstract icons have no particular meaning and are used intermittently throughout a design. The icons were made to be a versatile branding element that could be arranged in a grid, hence the square aspect ratio.

examples of representational icons
examples of abstract icons

Website Design

The purpose of the website was to showcase student's final year projects and the Form Follows Function brand.

Social Media Posts

I creased a series of countdown graphics for Instagram which were posted on the days leading up to the brand reveal event.

Each graphic would introduce more elements of the brand without completely revealing it.